How bad mood ensures the survival of the species

Animals and humans have a built-in alarm system: the hormone cortisol. Animals may stray away from their family to get some food, freedom, or sunshine. The sun increases the brain hormone serotonin which is responsible for a joyful feeling. After a while, before an unseen predator attacks, cortisol rises to make them feel anxious, restless, generally feeling bad and not knowing why. At this point, the animal would rush back to its family or herd. In the company of those we love, like or trust, the brain chemical oxytocin shoots up. Oxytocin gives us a good feeling. Anxiety and fear make animals and humans irritable and even hostile. But avoiding trouble is the response if the threat is too big. Evolutionary scientists noted that animals who were not easily scared were the first to die. Humans also try to displace the cortisol surge by getting angry. We kick the trash can, curse someone, or unfriend people on social media. Some deal with it by praying or meditating. When we a...