Explain Nation: Why and how bad politicians entice people with low self-esteem

A psychoanalyst named Roger Money-Kyrle attended a political meeting in which both Adolf Hitler and his chief propagandist Joseph Goebbels gave a speech. He observed that the speakers first made the audience feel depressed and humiliated. He wrote, “The monster seemed to indulge in an orgy of self-pity.” Then Hitler vented on the scapegoat: the Jews. “Self-pity gave place to hate, and the monster seemed on the point of becoming homicidal.” Finally, they turned to self-praise, a call for unity, and a promise of paradise but “only for true Germans and true Nazis.” Hitler’s rise to power was actually bolstered by the German people’s desire to bring back the national pride they lost after the defeat in World War 1. So, Hitler promised a new world order in which the Germans would be superior to all. This was also pointed out by Jean Lipman-Blumen, a professor of public policy and an expert in leadership, in her book The Allure of Toxic Leaders . She said there are always people who thi...